Product Management

The product vision is always the starting point. Our Product Management team will use this to start working on developing, formulating and realising a product strategy for the various different business units. This is based on an ongoing process of visiting customers and conducting discussions with the different expertises available within the company.

Based on the wishes and requirements from the market and additional research data, an analysis is subsequently produced which will serve as a business case and forms the basis for new projects. The Product Management colleagues have established contacts throughout the organisation, from R&D to Customer Service and from the Warehouse to Finance, all information is used to continuously improve a product or system.

The team maintains the product folios and organises the phasing in and out of products and product lines. Absolutely everything possible is done to contribute to the most optimal systems for our customers.

At Product Management we are the bridge between commerce and technology. A place where, after 5 years of Product Development at Esdec, I have been able to grow and I feel like a solar panel in the sun!

Sander Goorman

Product Manager

“Enstall not only provides an exceptionally inspiring and dynamic environment, but also encourages us to collaborate in creating innovative and sustainable solutions together.”

Kasper Mandersloot

Product Manager

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Product Management